Landscapes of Dauria

Assessments and Fact-Finding Missions

Assessing the state and trend of conservation of UNESCO natural and mixed World Heritage Sites, providing guidance on World Heritage nominations, undertaking expert fact-finding field missions

IUCN: World Heritage Outlook Assessments

Maja Vasilijević has been supporting the development of the World Heritage Outlook reports by providing expert assessment of the state of conservation and trends in a number of World Heritage Sites. IUCN’s initiative, World Heritage Outlook, provides the first global assessment of the conservation prospects for natural World Heritage. The assessments are based on expert knowledge, while the objectives of the initiative include recognition of well-managed World Heritage Sites, tracking of the state of conservation over time, communicating the benefits of these sites for local communities and livelihoods, and identifying the most pressing threats.

IUCN: World Heritage Evaluation and Monitoring Missions

  • IUCN World Heritage Evaluation Mission to Dauria Landscapes, Russia and Mongolia
  • IUCN-UNESCO-ICOMOS Reactive Monitoring Mission to the Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Ohrid Region World Heritage Property, North Macedonia
  • UNESCO-IUCN World Heritage Monitoring Mission to Durmitor National Park, Montenegro
  • UNESCO-IUCN World Heritage Monitoring Mission to Mt. Kenya National Park, Kenya