
Capacity Development and Facilitation of Conservation-Related Events

Assessing the needs, developing training modules and curricula, implementing training programmes, organizing and facilitating international expert events

Eco Horizon has a strong record of organization and implementation of capacity development workshops for staff of nature conservation government institutions and protected area authorities, local communities, NGOs, and other relevant stakeholders. We offer the design of capacity development workshops based on your needs, preparation of relevant materials, facilitation of the workshops, and reporting. We have also organized, convened and facilitated many international events.

Moderation: ICIMOD’s Workshop on Transboundary River Basins and Landscapes, Nepal, 2018

Moderated a session focusing on the effectiveness and benefits of transboundary conservation during the Strengthening Regional Cooperation across Transboundary River Basins and Landscapes in the Hindu Kush Himalaya international workshop, held in Kathmandu, Nepal. The workshop was organized by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and gathered more than 100 participants, mainly from Hindu Kush Himalaya region and international donor community.

Training Module Development and Training Facilitation: Initiating Transboundary Conservation International Training Workshop, Montenegro, 2018

Collaborated with IUCN in the Development and Piloting a Training Module on Initiating Transboundary Conservation project, funded by German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), resulting with creation of a globally applicable new module on initiating transboundary conservation. The module was piloted during an international workshop in Ulcinj, Montenegro, in 2018. Maja Vasilijević was part of the team responsible for development of the module, preparation of the curriculum and on-site training, in cooperation with IUCN staff members. The module is based on IUCN WCPA’s Guidelines Transboundary Conservation: A systematic and integrated approach (Vasilijević et al., 2015).

Curriculum Development and Training Facilitation: Hands Across Borders International Training Workshop for Practitioners, USA, 2016

Coordinated the development of the training programme, developed the curriculum and conducted the Hands Across Borders international workshop on transboundary conservation as training facilitator, held in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. The preparation of the workshop was a successful collaboration and joint effort of the following partners:  the University of Montana, US National Park Service, Parks Canada, WCPA Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group, International Peace Park Expeditions, Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park Association, Glacier National Park Conservancy, Calgary Foundation, and Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative. Nearly seventy participants from worldwide regions participated at the training workshop, exchanging experiences and learning about transboundary cooperative management, transboundary conservation governance and sustainable financing.

Curriculum Development and Training Facilitation: Conflict Resolution and Multi-Stakeholder Processes

Maja Vasilijević conducted several training workshops for the staff of the Institute of Nature Conservation of Serbia in Belgrade and Novi Sad, in cooperation with Boris Erg, currently Director of IUCN ECARO. The workshops focused on conflict management, multi-stakeholder processes and team building.

Workshop Organization and Moderation: Endorsing the Concepts in WCPA Transboundary Guidelines, Australia, 2014

Organized an international workshop to present a draft IUCN WCPA publication, Transboundary Conservation: A systematic and integrated approach (Vasilijević et al. 2015), and seek endorsement of key concepts presented for the first time to the wider audience. The event was held during the IUCN World Parks Congress in Sydney, Australia, and co-organized by WCPA’s Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group (its input was coordinated by Eco Horizon’ Maja Vasilijević), German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), and MAVA Foundation.

Workshop Organization and Moderation: Transboundary Conservation Governance, Australia, 2014

Organized and moderated an international workshop, Governance of Transboundary Conservation Areas, during the IUCN World Parks Congress in Sydney, Australia. The event was put forward by WCPA Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group (its input was coordinated by Eco Horizon’ Maja Vasilijević) and Southern African Development Community (SADC). The workshop aimed at advancing discourse on transboundary conservation governance, sharing experience from diverse geographical regions, and identifying needs and priorities in research and relevant methodologies.

Workshop Organization and Moderation: Thayatal Transboundary Workshop, Austria, 2013

Organized and moderated an International Workshop on Defining Transboundary Conservation Principles, hosted by Thayatal National Park in Austria. The workshop was held within the project on the development of IUCN WCPA Best Practice Guidelines on transboundary conservation, with facilitation of the WCPA Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group. The intense discussions at the workshop revolved around the main concepts that were later introduced and elaborated in the Best Practice Guidelines, including the typology of Transboundary Conservation Areas and definitions of the types. The workshop gathered many members and friends of the Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group. The workshop results were essential for paving the way of the new IUCN WCPA Guidelines.

Moderation: Examining the Extension of Sharr National Park, Kosovo, 2010

Moderated the workshop, resulting with elaboration of concrete steps towards furthering transboundary cooperation in Kosovo-Albania-North Macedonia region and supporting the decision-making process on delimitation of Sharr National Park. The workshop was convened by UNDP to build consensus on concrete actions that need to be implemented to move forward the declaration of the extension of Sharr National Park within the boundaries of Dragaš municipality, to explore the transboundary cooperation potential in Sharr Mountain, and to stop the negative trends towards depletion and degradation of natural resources in Dragaš Municipality. The workshop was organized within UNDP’s Development Based on Integrated Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use Management in Dragaš project.

Workshop Organization and Moderation: Sava River Integrated Management, Croatia, 2009

Facilitated an international workshop, Towards a Shared Vision for the Integrated Management of the Sava River, organized by IUCN in Zagreb, Croatia.

Moderation: Biodiversity and Protected Area Monitoring, Turkey 2006

Moderated Biodiversity and Protected Area Monitoring segment of the National Meeting on Biodiversity and Protected Area Management, organized by Turkish Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Turkey, and held in Ankara, Turkey.

Workshop Organization and Moderation: Implementation of CBD PoWPA, 2006

Organized and moderated WWF-IUCN workshop, Implementation of the CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas in the Dinaric Arc Countries, held in Belgrade, Serbia.

Organization: 3rd IUCN World Conservation Congress, 2004

Engaged in organization of 3rd IUCN World Conservation Congress held in Bangkok, Thailand.

Organization: Vth IUCN World Parks Congress, 2003

Engaged in organization of Vth IUCN World Parks Congress held in Durban, South Africa.