Evaluation and Monitoring
Leading final programme and project evaluations, conducting project proposal evaluations for EU funding schemes and other donors, providing strategic recommendations
Assessments and Fact-Finding Missions
Assessing the state and trend of conservation of UNESCO natural and mixed World Heritage Sites, providing guidance on World Heritage nominations, undertaking expert fact-finding field missions
Project Development and Implementation
Developing project proposals, coordinating projects, ensuring sound cooperation with project partners
Decision-Support Tools, Research and Publications
Developing decision-support tools for practitioners, advising on conservation planning and management, research and analysis, authoring, editing and reviewing publications related to nature conservation topics
Capacity Development and Facilitation of Conservation-Related Events
Assessing the needs, developing training modules and curricula, implementing training programmes, organizing and facilitating international expert events
Influencing Policy
Developing and reviewing global and regional nature conservation policy, facilitating multi-partner nature conservation agreements and high-level negotiations, advising on policy development