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Decision-Support Tools, Research and Publications

Developing decision-support tools for practitioners, advising on conservation planning and management, research and analysis, authoring, editing and reviewing publications related to nature conservation topics

Development of Decision-Support Tool – Diagnostic Tool for Transboundary Conservation Planners

Diagnostic tool for transboundary conservation planners: Suggested questions to determine feasibility for transboundary conservation aims to provide practical solutions for challenges that are often encountered while efficiently planning transboundary conservation processes and the establishment of Transboundary Conservation Areas. The Diagnostic tool was originally developed within IUCN/SNV/WWF’s ‘Environment for People in the Dinaric Arc’ (2009-2012) project, funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. It was published in the IUCN’s publication Initiating effective transboundary conservation: A practitioner’s guideline based on the experience from the Dinaric Arc, co-edited by Boris Erg, Maja Vasilijević and Matthew McKinney. The Diagnostic tool was authored by Maja Vasilijević, in consultation with Boris Erg and WCPA Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group and Eco Horizon translated it into an e-version, offering a user-friendly edition.

In 2020, Version 2.0 was released with support of WWF’s programme, Protected Areas for Nature and People II, funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The Diagnostic tool enables the planners to assess feasibility for efficient design and implementation of transboundary conservation process. Apart from its implementation at the planning stage, it can be applied any time during the process to evaluate the situation and enable improvement of the process. It is recommended to use it to facilitate a process of developing a shared understanding for the natural, cultural, social, institutional, economic and political features and dynamics of a target area; and that by doing this with all the relevant stakeholders, to help build relationships across the boundaries and enhance a sense of cooperation and team spirit.

Research and Compilation of Publications

In Eco Horizon, we have extensive experience in performing research on topics connected to transboundary conservation and cooperation, protected areas and wider nature conservation issues. We are also skilled in performing analytical reviews and developing recommendations for future action.

Maja Vasilijević is the author and editor of a number of publications, including peer reviewed books, articles and IUCN guidelines. She has also been peer reviewer of articles for the international scientific journal Regional Environmental Change and IUCN WCPA journal PARKS, and principal editor of TB eNEWS, e-bulletin featured by WCPA’s Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group.
