Plitvice Lakes National Park

Evaluation and Monitoring

Leading final programme and project evaluations, conducting project proposal evaluations for EU funding schemes and other donors, providing strategic recommendations

WWF: Protected Areas for Nature and People Programme Evaluation

Conducted final evaluation of a 4-year regional programme. Donors: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and MAVA Foundation.

WWF: Protected Areas for Nature and People Small Grants Programme Evaluation

Evaluated 17 projects submitted for funding under WWF’s Small Grants Programme scheme for protected areas in South-Eastern European region.

Municipal Department for European Affairs/The City of Vienna: Evaluation of Project Proposals Submitted to EU INTERREG Central Europe Programme

Evaluated 9 projects, key topics: integrated wetland management, World Heritage management effectiveness, protected area management capacity, Biosphere Reserve governance, cooperation for flood defence, green and blue infrastructure in functional urban areas, urban biodiversity, coastal lagoon pollution, sustainable urban water management.

Stantec/EASME: Evaluation of Project Proposals Submitted to EU LIFE Nature and Biodiversity Programme

Evaluated 27 projects, key topics: conservation of habitats and species in Natura 2000 sites, invasive alien species, threatened species, marine component of the implementation of Habitats and Birds Directives, maintenance and enhancement of ecosystem and ecosystem services by establishing green and blue Infrastructure, restoration of ecosystems.

Macquarie University, Australia: Project Evaluation Submitted to the Macquarie University Research Fellowships Scheme

Evaluated project proposals on environmental justice in transboundary governance.

WWF: Protected Areas for Nature and People Programme Monitoring

Conducted long-term programme monitoring. Donors: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and MAVA Foundation.

IUCN: Analysis of regional nature conservation system within Towards Strengthened Conservation Planning in SEE project

Analysed the state of nature conservation systems in South-Eastern European region and provided recommendations on their future strengthening. Donor: MAVA Foundation.