Glacier National Park USA


Evaluation and Monitoring

  • Conducting final evaluation assessments of both, complex, multi-country, large scale conservation programmes, and small-scale projects
  • Preparing programme and project evaluation reports
  • Evaluating projects for EU funding schemes, such as LIFE Nature and Biodiversity and INTERREG CEE
  • Evaluating performance of national nature conservation systems
  • Providing strategic recommendations on future directions based on the requested analyses

Assessments and Fact-Finding Missions

  • Supporting the preparation of UNESCO World Heritage nominations
  • Assessing the state of conservation of natural and mixed World Heritage Sites
  • Evaluating nominations for inscription to the World Heritage List
  • Undertaking World Heritage field monitoring and evaluation missions
  • Compiling World Heritage state of conservation reports for IUCN’s global World Heritage Outlook Assessments

Project Development and Management

  • Writing projects, taking into regard international standards on the design of conservation projects
  • Providing leadership of the team throughout project implementation
  • Implementing projects by careful coordination of project components and ensuring timely reporting

Decision-Support Tools, Research and Publications

  • Developing decision-support tools for nature conservation practitioners
  • Advising on conservation planning and management
  • Undertaking comprehensive research and analyses leading to compilation of publications
  • Authoring and editing nature conservation-related publications and articles
  • Peer reviewing topic-relevant books and articles

Capacity Development, Facilitation of Events and Leadership

  • Developing training modules
  • Designing and facilitating capacity development workshops
  • Assessing the training needs and developing training curricula
  • Preparing support materials for training workshops
  • Organizing, convening and facilitating nature conservation-related events at global, regional and local scales
  • Coordinating the work of informal and formal international professional networks and multi-disciplinary multi-national teams
  • Establishing partnerships with institutions of similar objectives

Influencing Policy

  • Developing global nature conservation policy for adoption by global fora such as IUCN World Conservation Congress, IUCN World Parks Congress and the Convention on Biological Diversity
  • Developing regional nature conservation policy, such as regional joint statements
  • Reviewing global and regional nature conservation policy and providing advice on its improvement
  • Facilitating multi-partner nature conservation agreements and high-level negotiations